Confessions of the Lip Filler Connoisseur

Confessions of the Lip Filler Connoisseur

We all have that one friend who we consider a “connoisseur” with expertise in a specific realm such as the fine arts, music, or cuisine. At Allure Aesthetic Surgery we would like to introduce Madison, a dear friend and a self-proclaimed “connoisseur of lip fillers”. We recently had the opportunity to sit down and chat about her experiences and gain insight into “everything lip filler”.

In this blog, we inquire of Madison all of the common questions you’ve all been wondering about Lip Augmentation with dermal fillers.

Allure: Thanks for taking the time to sit down with us to talk about your experiences with Lip Augmentation, Madison! Let’s get started with some general questions.
How long have you been undergoing Lip Augmentation treatments and what are the reasons behind why you choose to augment your lips?

Madison: I’ve been enhancing my lips for a few years now. I started when I was 29, and the main reason why I chose to start undergoing lip augmentation was because I was naturally born with thinner lips. Of course-there’s nothing wrong with having thin lips-but I had always wanted to have fuller, sexier lips and I decided to go for it. It’s really amazing how such a subtle enhancement to the lips has boosted my self-confidence! I love it.

Allure: What was the biggest surprise after your first treatment?

Madison: I had done a lot of research about dermal fillers and Lip Augmentation and I knew that the results were going to be immediate- but actually seeing my lips transform right in front of my eyes was truly astonishing! Aside from seeing my lips get instantly fuller, the result made my entire face look softer and more feminine which I absolutely love.

Allure: Which injection technique do you prefer? Needle or Cannula?

Madison: I’ve tried bot methods. With the cannula method, a single injection port is made to each corner of the mouth. A cannula (a blunt needle) is then inserted to deposit where filler is needed inside the lips. This method is great for those who only want two injection sites-one at each corner of the mouth.

The second method is with individual needle injections to several areas of the lips. This technique has more “pokes” involved, however this this method allows for more precise sculpting and shaping of the lips which is what I prefer.

I’ve also experienced Lip Augmentation with and without numbing cream. Personally, I prefer numbing cream because I naturally have a lower pain threshold. However, I do know some individuals get lip fillers without the numbing cream and they tolerate it just fine. It’s just a matter of preference and tolerance.

Allure: Which filler do you like to use on your lips?

Madison: Since fillers range in viscosities, I prefer one that is a little more vicious because it adds nice volume to my thin lips. I experienced the best results with Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Ultra Plus leaving my lips with a defined border and more volume which is what I was previously lacking. Juvederm Volbella is also an excellent alternative for those who have fuller lips and just want a more subtle, smoother look.

Allure: How often do you undergo Lip Augmentation?

Madison: Although Juvederm Ultras can last from 6-9 months, I like to go in and get touch ups every 6 months to maintain the specific look that I want. Frequency just depends on each individual’s expectations and preference.

Allure: What side effects have you experienced?

Madison: The main side effects that I experience every time is swelling, tenderness, and (sometimes) bruising. It’s really important to understand the possible side effects of any treatment so that there are no surprises. A good injector will always discuss the swelling and tenderness one may experience for about 1-2 weeks post-treatment. I always make sure I ice my lips and I take it easy for a few days post-treatment.

Allure: How do family, friends and people around you respond when you enhance your lips?

Madison: (Laughs) That’s a great question! And I think that it’s one of the most important questions to ask if you’re considering Lip Fillers. Cosmetic procedures have always been a somewhat controversial subject in society, and I feel like the people in your lives will either support your decision or they wont entirely understand why you did it- or maybe a combination of both?! I’d say for the most part, strangers and passer-byers don’t notice that I’ve had any “work” done on my lips because I have a very natural outcome. The people who I’m closest to-like my immediate family and close friends-notice for sure. They won’t always know I enhanced my lips, but I will get comments like, “you look really pretty today” or “did you do something different? You look great”. A few of my friends love my outcome and have even gotten the same treatment themselves!
On the flip side, some of my family members don’t agree with my decision for lip enhancement, but their argument is that I’m beautiful as I am and that I “don’t need it”. They are absolutely right! Nobody NEEDS lip augmentation, but I do it because it makes me feel more confident and more feminine. In the end, I do it for ME and nobody else but me. That’s the only reason why anyone should ever undergo a cosmetic treatment.

Allure: Do you have final words for those who are considering Lip Augmentation?

Madison: Yes! If you’re considering Lip Augmentation, I’d definitely make an appointment to speak with an expert who specializes in injectables so you can ask questions and get the specific recommendations for your lips. He or she will be able to guide you during the decision process and you’ll definitely feel more comfortable with whatever decision you make.

I also want to add that you shouldn’t feel guilty about getting a treatment or worried that others will look down on you. I think that a lot of people are afraid or hesitant about going through with a specific procedure in fear that that they will be judged or upset a family member or friend. I believe that everyone deserves to feel sexy, confident, and happy with their appearance, and although some people may not understand, your true family and friends will still love you unconditionally. Remember- do it for yourself always!

Allure: Thank you for sharing your experiences and insight with our audience at!

David Shamouelian, MD
Allure Aesthetic Surgery of Beverly Hills
(888) 265-2335
201 South Lasky Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
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