Liquid Rhinoplasty

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
A non-surgical option for an enhanced nose.
Enhanced Shape
Achieve facial symmetry with non-surgical nose reshaping.


Customized Nose


Nose Profile

Improved Facial

Dr. David Shamouelian

Dr. Shamouelian is a Double Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills with extensive experience with rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills. During surgery he addresses both the aesthetic and the structure of the nose to deliver beautiful, long-lasting results without compromising the nasal airway. The shape of the nose plays a crucial role in the overall balance and aesthetic of the face. Dr. Shamouelian uses his expertise and cutting edge rhinoplasty techniques to create a natural nose that emphasizes the Allure of eyes and lips to shine. He often shares with his patient, “My philosophy is to enhance your appearance without changing your identity.” In addition to the art of rhinoplasty, Dr. Shamouelian is a strong advocate of function. He has authored several scientific publications looking at the supporting mechanisms of the nasal tip using a virtual 3D model of the nose.

Dr. David Shamouelian

Over the last decade, individuals have been seeking less invasive approaches to enhance their appearances.

Liquid rhinoplasty is a minimally invasive, non-surgical approach to modify the shape of the nose using facial fillers.

Fillers may be used to mold the appearance of the nose in several ways:

  • correct a noticeable nasal hump
  • smooth contour irregularities
  • refine the shape of the nasal tip
  • turn up a droopy tip

While rhinoplasty surgery is a permanent solution, it is limited by the need for anesthesia, a prolonged healing phase (up to 12 months for final result) with bruising and pain. Not to mention the relative high cost of the surgery and the permanent nature of process. For a fraction of the price, a liquid rhinoplasty can be performed in under 30 minutes with a desired result. There is usually minimal bruising and pain with this approach.

What's Involved
Common facial fillers used during liquid rhinoplasty include: Restylane Lyft, Juvederm Voluma, and Radiesse. These fillers are slowly metabolized by the body and results may last up to 12-18 months.

If you are interested in enhancing the appearance of your nose but not quite ready for the the commitment to rhinoplasty surgery, liquid rhinoplasty might be the best option for you. To schedule an appointment with Dr Shamouelian, a Facial Plastics Specialist, to learn more and discuss your options contact us at (888) 268-5979.

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