
Dr. Shamouelian is a Double Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills with extensive experience with rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills. During surgery he addresses both the aesthetic and the structure of the nose to deliver beautiful, long-lasting results without compromising the nasal airway. The shape of the nose plays a crucial role in the overall balance and aesthetic of the face. Dr. Shamouelian uses his expertise and cutting edge rhinoplasty techniques to create a natural nose that emphasizes the Allure of eyes and lips to shine. He often shares with his patient, “My philosophy is to enhance your appearance without changing your identity.” In addition to the art of rhinoplasty, Dr. Shamouelian is a strong advocate of function. He has authored several scientific publications looking at the supporting mechanisms of the nasal tip using a virtual 3D model of the nose.

High cheekbones and a defined jawline are desirable facial features for men and women who are in pursuit of an aesthetically pleasing face.
Allure Aesthetic Surgery of Beverly Hills offers chin and cheek implants to help you achieve a more proportionate face and dramatically improve your facial profile.
Cheek and chin implants are made of flexible, inert silicone, which have a longstanding track record for safety and patient satisfaction. During your initial consultation, Dr. Shamouelian will discuss your aesthetic concerns with you, conduct a thorough assessment with the aid of the VECTRA 3-dimensional computer imaging system, and develop a personalized treatment plan to address your needs and improve your appearance.
Candidates for Chin Implants
Using the most advanced minimally invasive techniques in facial enhancement, Dr. David Shamouelian, a highly-skilled double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, can enhance the weak chin for improved definition and a more pleasing jawline. Both the chin and nose significantly influence the facial profile. As a result, chin augmentation is commonly performed in tandem with rhinoplasty (nose surgery) to create the ideal facial profile. An abnormally small chin may alter the balance of the face and create an impression of an abnormally large nose, while enhancing the projection of the chin with an implant can create a more balanced facial profile.

Candidates for Cheek Implants
The underlying facial skeleton of the mid-face region may be under-developed or change with aging, creating a void in the midface region. This may also negatively influence the lower eyelid region as well, making you appear tired or worried. Facial fillers can be used to enhance the midface and cheek region. However, the effects of fillers are temporary and require a considerable amount of product each time to obtain a good response. On the other hand, cheek implants last indefinitely and maintain the desired cheek contour without the need for repeated painful injections.
What to Expect
Chin augmentation typically requires half an hour to complete under moderate sedation or general anesthesia. During the procedure, the implant is inserted through a small, discreet incision under the chin and is covered with a dressing for a few days after the surgery.
Cheek augmentation usually requires approximately forty-five minutes to one hour to complete while the patient is under moderate sedation or general anesthesia. Cheek implants are typically placed through small incisions in the mouth and in some instances, cheek implants are inserted through an incision made in the lower eyelid. Implants are adjusted into the desired position before closing the tissue layers using dissolvable sutures.