Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Specialist


From a visual perspective, the nose is definitely a defining facial feature. Sure, there are some people who wholeheartedly embrace their nasal imperfections. But if this isn’t how you feel, then you may appreciate the services of a Beverly Hills rhinoplasty specialist.

An Initial Rhinoplasty Consultation

For cosmetic purposes, the main goal of rhinoplasty is to create a better facial balance. During your initial consultation with a Beverly Hills rhinoplasty specialist, you’ll have the opportunity to talk about your preferences with nose shape and size. For instance, you may feel your nostrils are too large or wide, or your nose profile may be affected by visible humps or depressions. Along with skin type, factors often considered when recommending cosmetic nose improvements include:

  • Previous nose procedures you have had done
  • Your history of nose-related trauma
  • Whether you’ve had previous issues with nasal obstruction or breathing problems

Planning and Completing Your Procedure

The next step a Beverly Hills rhinoplasty specialist typically takes after a consultation is to plan the specifics of your procedure(s). In some cases, it may be necessary to harvest skin or tissue from another location to collect the skin or cartilage needed to complete nasal reconstruction. With some procedures, graft material may be used.

The type of anesthesia used will depend on how what will be involved with your procedure. There are several different options with nose surgery. Nasal septoplasty, for example, is what’s done if there’s a need to straighten a deviated nasal septum to create a better balance with nasal separation. Other surgical procedures that may be performed by a Beverly Hills rhinoplasty specialist include:

  • Inferior turbinate reduction: The purpose of this procedure is to create more space within the nose by reducing the size of nasal passageway structures called turbinates.
  • Nasal valve repair: Surgery of this nature is done to address abnormally narrow areas within your nose.
  • Fracture repair/resetting: This approach to nose surgery involves fixing a broken bone within the nose or resetting a previously broken bone that didn’t heal correctly.
  • Tissue removal: If the reason for rhinoplasty is to reduce the size of certain parts of your nose, tissue may need to be removed in a way that retains your nose’s proportions.

Are You a Good Rhinoplasty Candidate?

Because rhinoplasty is highly personalized procedure, it’s advised that patients do it for personal or functional reasons – e.g., improving breathing capabilities, correcting injury-related damage. Preferred candidates for nose surgery for non-emergency reasons are individuals with:

  • Complete facial bone growth
  • No serious underlying health issues
  • A positive and realistic outlook about nose surgery

After you receive treatment from a Beverly Hills rhinoplasty specialist, you’ll be told what to expect post-procedure. You’ll also be given some general guidelines to follow to increase your odds of enjoying successful healing. For example, it’s common for patients to be advised to avoid blowing their nose for a couple weeks and to minimize sun exposure and strenuous activities.

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